Our Vision

An Overview

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Our Mission


Disciples of Jesus


First things first, we share the universal mission of Jesus’ church:

  • Matthew 28:18-20
    Jesus came near and said to them, “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

    Psalm 96:3
    Declare his glory among the nations, his wondrous works among all peoples.



Our Vision


A Fruitful Church


In light of the Lordship of Jesus Christ and His Great Commission - and because of the reality of the lost, God's design of faith* in community, and the sparsity of churches - we desire by God's grace:

  • Focused on growing & planting services* & churches with a passion for sending disciples near & far

    Mark 4:20
    And those like seed sown on good ground hear the word, welcome it, and produce fruit thirty, sixty, and a hundred times what was sown.”

    Ephesians 3:10
    … God’s multi-faceted wisdom may now be made known through the church…

    Hebrews 10:24-25
    And let us consider one another in order to provoke love and good works, not neglecting to gather together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging each other, and all the more as you see the day approaching.



Our Values

Six principles important for a fruitful* church

Growing Mature Disciples

Growing mature* disciples*

All aspects of church life aiming to grow disciples* who are increasingly characterised by five aspects of maturity:

  • A deep trust and knowledge of the Bible is the foundation from which all the other fruits of mature discipleship stem.

    To be living deeply in Godʼs Word is to know it, to be soaked in it, to trust it and build your life on it.

  • Mature disciples live lives of thanksgiving, prayer and praise in response to the God who has loved and saved us.

    We hope to see you loving and rejoicing in God in all of your life, and particularly when we gather together.

  • Jesus’ big purpose is to gather a people around Himself, a fellowship, a community - and this of course is expressed in the local church gathering.

    We want to purse seeing disciples become deeply integrated into the fellowship of Godʼs people; to belong; to be known and to know others.

  • Mature disciples are people who gladly give themselves to serving others, whether formally or informally. This happens as people grow deeper in their trust in the word, and in their love for God, and as they become part of the community.

    To help and train and equip and mobilise people to serve takes intentional effort and investment.

  • We will only have achieved mature disciples of Christ when they embrace the heart of God to seek and save the lost. This is not an extra or optional component.

    We need to build disciples, and churches, that are on mission, praying for all nations and seeing people transformed by Jesus.

We aim to intentionally consider all five maturity areas, recognising that each is part of the 'ecosystem' of church life in an interdependent and interconnected way.

Promoting THe Gospel

Promoting the Gospel*

As disciples* of Jesus we're committed to telling the world the best story that it will ever hear - the Gospel - the unified story of the Bible* that points to Jesus - His life, death, resurrection, and future return.

It is only through the power of the Gospel that our broken connection with our Creator-God can be restored, our lives transformed by His work in us, and hope for a new perfect world can be found.

John 1:1-5 • Rom 1:16 • 1 Cor 15:3-4 • Rom 12:2 • Rev 21:1-5


Relying on God’s Methods

Relying on God’s methods

Fostering three key biblical habits

  • Because a growing trust in God's word is the foundation for a maturing disciple of Jesus we aim to 'let the word of Christ dwell richly among us' in everything we do. We desire to see Jesus' gospel proclaimed both through formal Bible teaching (sermons, studies, lessons, etc.) and informally by all God's people as we gather together to encourage one another.

    Col 1:28 • Col 3:16 • 2 Tim 3:16-17 • 2 Tim 4:2 • Titus 2:1 • Heb 10:25

  • It is not by human power or strength that disciples of Jesus are made or grown. So as we seek to partner with God in His mission, we express our trust in His power and work by prayer being a regular aspect of church life - encouraging each other to 'stay alert in it with thanksgiving' both personally and corporately.

    Rom 1:16 • 1 Cor 3:6 • Col 4:2-3

  • A fruitful church embodies the NT pattern of 'every member ministry' - it is both biblical and strategic for church leadership to enable ministry and mission rather than focus on directly doing the work themselves. We desire all our ministries to spur each other on in an expectation of mutual teaching, practical care, encouragement and edification.

    Eph 4:11-13 • 1 Pet 4:8-10 • 1 Cor 12:7,25-27 • Heb 10:24

Planning for Progress

Planning for Progress

Aiming to do everything in ways that leaves room to love more people

  • We are committed to:

    1. Organising and mobilising teams as our primary means of serving in church life.

    2. Consistently recruiting, training and releasing leaders - Team Leaders, Ministry Leaders, Area Leaders, Deacons & Elders - giving loving accountability in both authority and responsibility.
      2 Tim 2:2

    3. Growing our paid staff team (both mission-minded ministry support workers & theologically trained ministry staff) who exist to equip all believers for ministry and mission.
      Eph 4:11-16

  • We aim for spaces with all ages, as well as spaces for specific ages. We value inter-generational ministry where connecting, community and care happens across demographics - e.g. Sunday mornings (Acts 2:44; 1 Cor 12:12-13; Titus 2:1-5). And we also recognise that each age and stage of life has different needs, approaches and styles that suit them best. So, when beneficial, we seek to design spaces tailored to specific groups too.

    We invest in the next generations (Deut 6:6-7; Ps 145:4; Prov 22:6) by partnering with parents - resourcing age-appropriate ministry to kids, youth, and young adults. And we also have ministries, connect groups, or pastoral care teams that are specifically suited to the needs of adults and seniors (Prov 16:31; Gal 6:2; 1 Tim 5:1-4).

    We believe this multi-faceted approach creates the best prospect to demonstrate love for one another in Christian community and extend a warm invitation to newcomers to join us in these shared spaces.

    Deut 6:6-7 • Ps 145:4 • Prov 16:31; 22:6• Acts 2:44 • 1 Cor 12:12-13 • Gal 6:2 • 1 Tim 5:1-4 • Titus 2:1-5

  • Raising up emerging gospel workers through Ministry Apprenticeships in partnership with MTS - Ministry Training Strategy.

    2 Tim 2:2

  • Under God’s sovereignty, we are taking responsibility for our effectiveness with Area Leaders using goals and metrics focused on the five aspects of a mature disciple.

    Acts 2:47 • Acts 4:4 • Acts 6:1 • Acts 6:7 • Acts 11:21 • 1 Cor 3:5-15

  • Wise, realistic & strategic stewardship with an eye to the future:

    • A willingness to maintain and update facilities

    • A willingness to purchase materials that aid the mission

    • A willingness to proactively plan for future church plant funds


Developing our culture

Developing our Culture

God made a beautiful world, His church should be too

  • We are always striving for a gracious, kind and joyous culture marked by love for God and love for each other. Regardless of age, stage, single or married - we want everyone to be loved and cared for. Our primary approach to pastoral care is a commitment to 'one another' well - for every regular and Member to be encouraged to be involved in loving practical care and prayer for those around them.

    Our Connect Groups are the key structure to provide a space for this kind of community. With connect groups and informal care as our starting point, the Pastors/Elders and Pastoral Care Team also seek to step into the exceptional cases of care and support needs that exist for some in our church community.

    Luke 10:27 • Col 3:12-15 • 1 Cor 13:1-13 • Rom 12:5 • Eph 4:32

  • We want everyone to feel welcome at BBC (James 2:1-13). Differences such as age, ability, culture, past experiences, or social status should not hinder someone's participation in church life. We want everyone to be able to enter into discipleship to Jesus, and then to mature in their discipleship under Jesus, being given grace and patience in the process of that pursuit.

    Being a disciple of Jesus means being "in Christ," united with Him (Eph 1:4,11-12; 2 Tim 1:9; 1 Cor 1:30). For formal Members of BBC our unity is based foremost on the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We are His people whom He has united to Himself (Rom 12:5). So with our unity defined by our union with Christ, diversity can be embraced (Gal 3:26-29). And it is through loving fellowship that unity with diversity is possible (Col 3:14-15).

    Our submission to the Lordship of Jesus comes through the Bible as God's authoritative word without error in all that it claims. We believe that a heart of unity with diversity should allow for a breadth of theological differences within our community with clear biblical boundaries. With God’s word as our guide, we can celebrate and enjoy diversity in our community!

    Lastly, our shared mission with our Lord Jesus, to make mature disciples of Him, is a key expression of unity as we envisage Jesus' ultimate goal to bring everything in all creation under His Lordship (Col 1:15-20; Rev 7:9-10).

    Rom 12:5 • 1 Cor 1:30 • Gal 3:26-29 • Eph 1:4,11-12 • Col 1:15-20; 3:14-15 • 2 Tim 1:9 • James 2:1-13 • Rev 7:9-10

  • We seek to share biblical truth and promote church life with communications that resonate in our cultural moment

  • God made a wonderful world. Aesthetics, arts, music, creativity & vibe have a meaningful place in His church.


Partnering with Others

Partnering with Others

We value fostering a heart of sending and partnership by giving of…

  • Time

  • Training

  • People

  • Finances

  • Prayer

…for Gospel* work beyond BBC in Australia and especially globally.

Mark 13:10 • Acts 1:8 • Rom 10:13-18 • Phil 1:3-5 • Phil 1:7 • Phil 4:3 • 2 Tim 2:2



What We Do




We believe faith* grows in community so these are our main spaces for growing as a disciple* of Jesus.
find connection with Jesus, His people, and His purpose when you’re part of our:

  • Our Sunday Gatherings / services* are a great place to connect with Jesus as we meet together as His people.

    Every week we seek to encourage one another to deeply trust God’s word, grow our love for God, and serve each other.

  • In our Connect Groups we encourage each other to go deeper in God’s word and foster a sense of belonging in community through a small group setting.

  • Our serving teams are a great place to connect with God’s purpose for you.

    Our serving teams provide the structure for each of us to contribute to an aspect of our mission and vision whilst also encouraging maturity in each other as disciples of Jesus.


And we’ll always seek to love each other in the outlier situations or seasons when connecting in these main spaces isn’t possible.



Our Roadmap



in pen

in pencil

Under God we desire to…

  • Solidify vision

    By 30th June 2023: The church Board to solidify this vision through church-wide collaboration

    Serving teams

    By 31st March 2023: The Ministry Leaders to shift key ministry areas to teams with leaders


    By 30th June 2023: Identify Area Leaders* to develop metrics & measuring routines

    Develop a staff resource plan

    By 30th June 2023: The church Board to develop a staff resource plan aligned with our vision

    New service launch team

    By 22nd September 2023: Appoint leader, recruit members, and begin meeting for training, prayer and planning

  • Plant a new service in our existing building

    Strengthen leadership pathways

  • Stabilise & evaluate progress

    Tweak & update vision

  • Plant a third service in our existing building

  • Plant a church in one of the growing surrounding areas

  • Continue to plant churches



Appendix A - Glossary

Area Leaders
Five new leadership roles in BBC. Someone who has the first responsibility to think intentionally about one of the five areas of discipleship maturity across the ministries of our church. They collaborate with leaders to measure progress, set goals and promote growth in their particular maturity area.

The 66 books of the Old and New Testaments. Divinely inspired by God, written by human hands. It is God’s authoritative word, without error, true in all that it claims, and able to be translated.

A learner-follower of Jesus Christ - an apprentice to Him and His way of life. Someone who has responded in faith* to the saving work of God through the Gospel* proclaimed, and is on a lifetime journey of transformation and growing maturity*.
Matt 28:19-20 • Ephesians 2:10 • Romans 12:2

Visible trust in, and reliance on God - founded on believing what He has revealed in the Bible*.
Mark 2:5 • Mark 9:24 • Rom 10:9 • Rom 10:17 • James 2:18

A metaphor communicating a picture of healthy/maturing growth for the sake of multiplication. A trees’ ‘successfulness’ is measured by the amount of, and goodness of fruit it ‘sends’ out.

The gospel is like a multi-faceted diamond - there are many faithful ways to define the gospel using biblical language and metaphors. See our value, Promoting the Gospel for an expression of the gospel message found in the Bible*.

In Colossians, Paul uses the Greek word ‘telos’ (commonly translated as ‘mature’) to express his ministry aim - to see disciples matured ‘in Christ’. A study across the NT reveals many aspects of a disciples’ growth / maturity. Our value, Growing Mature Disciples, expresses one way to break down a disciples’ maturity into five aspects / areas.
Col 1:28

In the book of Acts we see the growing number of disciples counted several times. Out of love, we want to find tangible ways to ask the question: Are we being effective? So we'll aim to measure things like attendance, the number of people involved in ministries, do surveys, etc. For each one of our five areas of discipleship maturity, we want to have an Area Leader assigned to think intentionally about it - to measure progress, set goals and promote growth in their particular maturity area.
Acts 2:47 • Acts 5:14 • Acts 6:7 • Acts 16:5

A gathering of God’s people, under the structure of a church organisation, with a commitment to spurring one another on in both discipleship to, and mission with Jesus.

  • At 80% capacity on a Sunday morning we feel full and want to create space to love more people.

    Option 1: Expand building

    • Pros

      • We stay as one gathering for longer

    • Cons

      • Massive expense

      • Slow and time consuming

      • Can't use the building during upgrade

      • All spaces are at capacity - meeting rooms, car park, foyer, etc.

      • Staying together doesn't serve our discipleship aims well

    Option 2: Plant a new church elsewhere

    • Pros:

      • A new church!

    • Cons:

      • We need a gifted church planter who is aligned with our values and culture

      • We would need to send 50 of our best people

      • Would likely cripple BBC as the sender church and result in a long time to rebuild - i.e. reduced sending capacity

    Option 3: Start a new service in our existing building

    • Pros:

      • Solves capacity / 80% problem

      • Creates opportunity for more people serving each other

      • Greater opportunity for greater genuine community connection with smaller gathering numbers

    • Cons:

      • We don't get to 'all be together'

      • Need more people serving across the crucial areas


Special thanks for the contribution of:


Adopted by the Members of BBC on 18th June 2023