World Mission
‘How, then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?’
Romans 10:14
Our Gospel Workers in Mozambique have worked hard at learning language and culture, establishing trust within the community, and developing key relationships. As they have entered into the lives of those around them, they have had many opportunities to share stories of God and pray with both groups and individuals. They look forward to seeing a vibrant faith community among the Yawo in the future, a community of people who have experienced God’s freedom in their lives, and have a deep knowledge of His story and their place in it.
Our Gospel Workers in Indonesia aim to help God’s people plant multiplying fellowships in communities of unreached people. Part of their role within the mission organisation is as area leaders. They consider their leadership a privilege as they walk alongside and journey with their team as they serve and live in sometimes very remote locations.
Democratic Republic of the Congo - DRC
Our Gospel Workers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are relatively new in their position. Over a number of years, God has been laying on their hearts a desire to serve in Africa after a trip in 2012 where they saw first-hand how the church was suffering because pastors lacked access to training. Upon arrival, they expressed their heart in this way: “Mindful of our limitations and frailty, the task before us is overwhelming but - by God’s grace and your partnership - God’s kingdom in the Democratic Republic of the Congo will grow, and God will be honoured.”
Our Gospel Workers in Pakistan have a desire to join God in His purposes of blessing the nations through the knowledge and reception of Jesus Christ. Pakistan has a very small percentage of Christians (1%-1.5%). Our gospel workers seek to come alongside Christians and non-Christians in life by encouraging, reminding, and teaching them of the hope we have in our sovereign Lord. They believe the best way to build relationships and communicate effectively with the people of Pakistan is by living with them over a period of many years.
We partner with Fellowship of Hope Church through their Pastor Sponsorship Program. The program seeks to support churches in Cambodia’s poorest rural areas. Every $60 per month assists a pastor with their day to day needs, promotes the development of long-term in country infrastructure, and resources gospel workers through the provision of tools and resources.
In Tanzania our gospel workers work with the organisation Lead Tanzania. Lead exists to strengthen and encourage youth and young adults through leadership training, equipping and community development. To see transformed lives impacting communities to follow and live for Jesus. 66% of Tanzania’s population is under the age of 25 so it is vitally important to reach these younger people. Our gospel workers have a heart for training and equipping the local people in leadership and gospel truths so that the gospel message of Jesus’ life giving sacrifice can be presented and the local church built up on a solid foundation.
As well as overseas mission, we also support something a little closer to home. AFES are part of implementing Christian Unions within Universities. Christian Unions work to encourage one another in Christian growth and witness. They run regular public Bible talks, smaller Bible studies, prayer groups, mid-year conferences, and various outreach events. We have two partners proclaiming Jesus at Uni!
Hi, I’m Peter
I coordinate the MAG (Mission Action Group) team. We’re dedicated to supporting our overseas Gospel Workers by sharing their stories, celebrating their ministry joys, and providing practical and prayerful support through their challenges. Having seen firsthand the incredible impact of the Gospel on people who had never heard it, I’m passionate about helping others bring Jesus to all parts of the world.