Privacy Policy

At BBC we value your privacy, so we take measures to make sure your information is secure and handled correctly - we also want you to have the right to modify your own information and privacy settings. Please see below for our privacy policy.

Adopted on: 21st May 2018
Last reviewed: 17th April 2023

Document ID: BBCPOL-006

Policy Statement:
Busselton Baptist Community Church respect and uphold an individual’s right to privacy protection in accordance with the 13 Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) from Schedule 1 of the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012, which amends the Privacy Act (1988).

This policy sets out how we will collect, use, store disclose and de-identify personal information.

BBCC: Busselton Baptist Community Church or “The Church”, “We”


The types of information collected

  • Name and Address

  • Phone numbers and email addresses

  • Family member details

  • Staff details for superannuation, payroll and taxation purposes.

  • Involvement in ministries

  • Working with Children Check number and expiry date

  • National Police Record number and date

  • Health/Medical Information

  • Authority to collect children

  • Information you provide in surveys, registration forms etc

Video/Photo Records

We may from time to time record video or images of services and activities for promotional, teaching and information purposes. By attending these services and activities, members consent to the Church taking the video and images and using and disclosing them for such purposes.

Individuals may choose to remove their permission to publish at any time by advising BBCC verbally or in writing.

Why private information is collected

We do not use the information in any way other than in the furtherance of our objects and purposes.

We collect information about people so as to allow the Church to communicate with them, introduce them to our organisation, promote the Gospel to them, pray and provide other Christian services to them and inform them of the work we do.

We only collect information where it is necessary to do so in order to provide a service or where we are required by law to do so.  Without personal details, we may not be able to interact with or provide ministry opportunities.

How information is collected

Information may be collected directly from the individual or from third parties.  Information we collect from third parties may be by formal or informal means.

Where information is collected from third parties and it is not personal information that is contained in a Commonwealth record, we will take all reasonable measures to destroy or de-identify the information as required by law.

We collect personal information about supports, donors, volunteers, employees, contractors and visitors to our events. Information is collected in the following ways:

  • Face to face contact

  • Electronically including through our website

  • Via social media messages or conversation

  • During phone calls, voice or image recordings

  • Whilst delivering and administering services at our facilities

  • From forms and other correspondence (both in writing and electronically)


Disclosing Personal Information

We will not disclose personal information to any person except (1) on a confidential basis to members of the Church or to those who have regular contact with the Church in connection with the church’s activities in order to provide a service, (2) on a confidential basis to agents and other service providers that the church uses in the day to day operations of its activities such as the manager of the Church’s management system; or (3) with your prior consent (for example in the church directory).

We endeavor to keep personal information up to date and accurate. We will also endeavour to protect your personal information from misuse, loss or unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.

We only use personal and sensitive information for the reason we collected it, as set out above and for the purposes for which it was collected, or as otherwise permitted by law.

We will not disclose the above information collected to affiliates or third parties without consent.

We don’t rent, sell or exchange information.


Disclosing personal information overseas

Occasionally we may use overseas software or facilities to process or back up information or to provide other services.  As a result, we may disclose personal information to our overseas facilities or contractors for these purposes.  Any disclosure of personal information overseas does not change our commitment to safeguarding privacy.  We do not otherwise disclose or transfer personal information overseas.


How we protect personal information

We take reasonable steps to ensure the security of personal and sensitive information we hold and to protect it against loss, misuse or unauthorised access, destruction, use, modification or disclosure.

Our IT systems are password protected and comply with the applicable security standards. 

It is our policy to:

  • Permanently de-identify personal information where reasonable and possible; and

  • Destroy personal information once there is no longer a legal or business need to retain it.


It is your right to be dealt with anonymously, provided that is it lawful and practicable.

We will try to accommodate a request for anonymity wherever possible, however we note that in some circumstances, this may prevent us from practically and effectively communicating with you.


Third party websites

Our website may contain links to third party websites, and third party websites may also have links to our website.

Our privacy policy does not apply to external links or other websites.

The operators of other websites may collect personal information. BBCC encourages individuals to read the privacy policies of any website linked from our website.



When individuals visit our website a record of the visit is logged. The following data is supplied by individuals browser:

  • User IP address and/or domain name;

  • User operating system (type of browser and platform);

  • The date, time and length of the visit to the website; and

  • The resources accessed and the documents downloaded. 

This information is used to compile statistical information about the use of our website. It is not used for any other purpose.

If individuals do not want ‘cookies’ to be used, it is their responsibility to adjust their browser settings to disable them.


Accessing, updating or changing individuals information

Individuals can request a copy of this information by asking at the church office.  Occasionally, we may need to refuse your request to access information, for example, where granting you access would infringe someone else’s privacy.

Individuals can change or update their personal data by contacting the church office.


How to make a complaint:

BBCC will take due care to make sure that breaches of privacy will not occur.

However if there is a complaint then the person is to direct it in writing to and include:

  • Name, contact details and date of complaint.

  • Brief description of the complaint and why they think BBCC has mishandled personal information (what happened, when it happened and any consequences; and

  • How they would like the matter resolved.

 BBCC will respond to the complaint within 30 days.


The Privacy Act
Australian Privacy Principles

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