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Busselton Baptist Church
Join us Sundays 9:30am & 4:30pm
2 Recreation Lane, West Busselton
Upcoming Events
Sat 29th Mar • 2-5pm • Drop off & pick up at the old foreshore park (west of KYST)
Enjoy an arvo of scavenging using photo clues and race against the clock to win the prize! Teams on foot with leaders.
Rego cost: $5 • All welcome Yrs6-10
Fri 4th Apr • 10am • BBC
A wonderful space for the older adults of BBC to enjoy fellowship together. It’s a great way to build friendships and feel part of the BBC community.
Sun 6th Apr • 12pm •
At the Foreshore (Near the old playground, to the left of Kyst restaurant.)An opportunity for the Morning Congregation to connect and build relationships as a community. BYO picnic lunch, chairs/rugs etc
Contact Tash Meyerink if you have any questions.
Thur 10th Apr • 7:30pm • BBC
Ministry Meetings are an important part of Church Life - they're a time for celebration, discussion, dreaming about the future and prayer as we depend on God to bring about His will amongst us.
Formal Members have the responsibility to vote on the important 'big things' and everyone who calls BBC home is welcome to attend!
Fri 18th + Sun 20th Apr • 9:30am
This Easter we will reflect on the profound significance of Cross of Jesus and his Resurrection. Whether you're finding your way back to faith, seeking a new church home, or simply looking for a place to celebrate Easter, you are warmly invited to be part of our family on this special day. Come, let us embrace the promise of new life together in Jesus.